Monday, February 9, 2009

Mid-Week Blurb: A-Rod

Everyone's been asking for it so here it is: my view on Alex Rodriguez. My "One Big Thing" this week will also be on this situation but from a different angle, check back Friday for that, but for now the baseball side of it. 

To all the cynics: shut up. Plain and simple. I'm listening to Doug Gotlieb right now ripping A-Rod up and down and my question is what more do you want? He admitted to being a moron and breaking the golden rule of not knowing what he put in his body. He could have very easily lied and saved face and said yes I took Testosterone and whatever the other steroid was once in 2003 and got busted. But no, he said I took PED's for a 3 year span from 2001-2003 when I was in Texas because I felt pressure to live up to the world's largest contract.

He's come clean, plain and simple so quit asking for more. You've gotten a satisfactory explanation so now deal with it. Let the man continue his life and his career and quit ripping him for something that happened nearly 6 years ago. He's been clean since then and has passed hundreds of drug tests. During the 2006 WBC he was tested every other day via a blood test and passed every single one. He went from a very very good All-Star player in Seattle to being the highest played and most scrutinized player in baseball and wasn't ready for the spotlight. Is that his fault? Mostly, but he's now realized his mistake and apologized. So now that everybody's gotten they're 2 cents in can we all just shut up and move on? Everyone wants baseball to be pure. It's past will never be and we can't change that so let's simply enjoy the present of baseball, which includes a clean Alex Rodriguez as still arguably its best player, and move on.

There is another angle on this and that is the media's role in this whole debacle and for my thoughts on that come back Friday for the weekly "One Big Thing" post or listen to the show on 88.3 WMTS Saturday from 10-12. The other guys might post their thoughts as well so make sure you check back often.



  1. What were your thoughts on the press conference yesterday?

  2. I thought the yankees didn't exactly help him out. They should've allowed follow up questions and it should've been in a less formal setting so it was more baseball inclined. It was a beautiful day in south florida and they had it in a tent. As far as his part I think it would have been better unscripted but at the same time in the ridiculous media world we live in he had to do it the way he did as unsatisfying as it was. I give him props for giving us details but the more he says the more questions that come up. It's a never ending cycle pretty much.

  3. I thought the yanks were doing him a favor by not allowing follow up questions. I disagree with it but imagine if they would have allowed follow-ups...He couldn't even answer half of the original questions. I think he just would have embarrased himself more. But since it's all in the past now why not forgive and forget and play some damn baseball

  4. I definitely agree with the last point...lets play ball. But with not allowing follow up questions it left a lot of questions unanswered. I'm not saying his answers would have answered the questions but it would have been better than nothing.
